Monday, May 14, 2012

Inspired by Avatars and Creatures

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

I first became aware of Robert Sturman photography through the work that he does with The Prison Yoga Project at San Quentin Correction Facility. I've been keeping an eye on his work since then and quite honestly in awe of his ability to capture yogis as artistic expressions.

Urdhva Dhanurasana
A few months ago, Robert posted that he was doing a photo shoot tour for yogis on the east coast. I jumped on the opportunity to work with him and get the creative juices flowing. Surrendering to the idea that I am "married" (united intimately) to yoga being that yoga has been in my life for 20 years, I came up with the idea being a bride and wearing a long white beach dress, keeping it elegant, soft, ethereal.

As you can see, that idea went out the window.

Andy Golub appeared  on my radar just about a month ago while strolling through photos on Instagram. Someone had captured him working on a model and in the commentary someone else identified Andy as a rad artist who has a niche for painting bodies. And there you have it. The idea came to me to put us all together and see what we can create.

I did the unthinkable ... I picked up the phone and called Andy directly. 

To my surprise, he answered. We spoke for about 40 minutes and hashed out a plan. It took a bit of juggling with everyone's schedules, but we were able to make it work out and Mother Nature was on board, too. I had some back up ideas in case of rain, but we didn't have to go there. Couldn't have been a more picture perfect day.
Sirsasana with Garuda legs

Having my entire body painted and being naked in Central Park is far more my style and my essence than being a bride. Go figure. I am a New Yorker and I fully embrace my wild side, creative side, quiet side, upside down side and right side up side. All kinds of new experiences that day. To me that is what life is all about - experiencing. 

I am fortunate to have the paths of yoga and Buddhism to guide me on this extraordinary trip of life.  

Vashistasana Variation

Many thank yous to Robert, Andy and Andy's daughter, Indigo. Jacqui and Thaddeus, thanks for letting us do the prep painting in the privacy of your apt.


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