Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Life is so good. Taste it!

I'm leaving for The Sanctuary at Two Rivers in Costa Rica before sunrise on Thursday morning. This is an exciting time for me as I'm branching out to new territory. I do my best to explore new terrain every year, at least once a year, and Costa Rica will be the marker for 2013. I'm hoping to make it to Toronto for a weekend of teachings with Dr. Miles Neale in June. Toronto will be a new city for me to visit as well. Not only is visiting CR a new territory, but this is also my first retreat that I will be leading. Many thank yous and bows to my teachers and friends who have supported me on this path. I feel as prepared as I can be as a leader and a teacher. A special shout out for all the love and support from Perrey Reeves and Jeff Gossett who invited me to teach at the sanctuary.

When I return on April 23rd, I will be fully committed to my Online Spring Detox Program May 1 -10th. We will be eating and cooking a lot of organic whole foods, learning about yoga philosophy and living it! I look forward to teaching the rejuvenating yoga class the last day of the cleanse the evening of May 10th from 7:00 - 8:45 PM located at The IDP. Hannah Thiem (Wanderlust Festival) will sooth us while playing violin and Fatima da Costa (Kirtan Connection) is leading us in traditional kirtan and assisting.

Adreanna Limbach and I are just about ready to launch a six week self-care program. Classes will meet at The IDP on Sundays 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM staring May 12th! Stay tuned for details!

I hope to see you all soon!
Namaste  ૐ

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shiva via GBSK

GBSK Tees since 2009 in Tokyo now global! Yogi and friend Barry Silver creates awesome heart felt, Shiva Shakti,  rockin' it all, Tees. Been washing, drying and wearing this one for over 3 years and it looks as good as day 1. People are asking... get one! Avail in US now. Used to have to special order and ship from Japan from the man himself.