Seane Corn et moi |
My friend Kate that I did a yoga teacher training with, sent me an email last Friday asking if I was available to be the eyes on Seane Corn for a photo shoot so that the poses are picture perfect. I was flattered, honored, and cleared my schedule. Of course I could and would love to! How wonderful to get to meet Seane one-on-one, and my job was to adjust this knee or that hand with verbal cues much like teaching. Let me say that Seane is picture perfect without my help, but having posed for asana photos myself, I look at them and say if only I'd had a tweaker to adjust this one little thing. I asked Seane if she requested a professional set of eyes on her or if it was Whole Living Magazine's idea. She said she always has someone fine tuning, though let me tell you she knows her body well in these poses as one would suspect. If not for the still life of a photo print, I wouldn't of had to say a word.
I've been on sets many times as talent when I worked on commercials and I've dreamed of being on the cover of any magazine representing yoga. In my 18 years of practice, this is the closest I've come so far. Seane is as beautiful and gracious in person as one would imagine a yogini of her stature to be. I think that I was more floored by her asanas than the crew was. Until you actually try a downward facing dog you have no idea the work that you are asking of your body and breath. Put in a room full of advanced yoga practitioners, I am always in awe. The asana practice is just so beautiful to watch.
After we wrapped, I went home and unrolled my mat. Sean's presence inspired me and revved up my love for yoga, all of yoga. There is so much to learn on the mat that transitions to life off the mat. That's what yoga is about, honoring the divine in self and others.
Love this!! That is awesome!!